We are looking to create a database of Volunteers from all around the country who would be able to collect dogs on behalf of the rescue and ensure that they make it safety to our HQ here in Christchurch.
That could involve holding them at your property for a couple of days before they catch their flight or car ride to Christchurch!
Please be aware that you need to think of yourself as a carer of the dog and ensure you maintain boundaries. You are assigned the dog to take care of on behalf of the Trust for a limited period of time - not the Adopter of the dog.
You do need to be able/willing to stick to the terms and conditions noted in the Agreement and understand that these dogs are not for adoption, they are and will remain the property of the Trust and will need to be transported to us, whether or not you fall in love with them! If you wish to adopt the dog at a later date, you are more than welcome to apply to adopt (process noted in the Agreement) This is an essential term of the arrangement and we do not deviate from that process under any circumstances. See application form for details.
Do you need long term fosters in other parts of New Zealand or only Canterbury?
Sorry, at present, we only require fosters local to us and we are based in Christchurch, New Zealand, although we take dogs from all over New Zealand, they are flown to our base here.
Why do we only need fosters in Canterbury? For a number of reasons:
1. It is where we are located - Our base is in Canterbury, all of our core team such as our Trustees, our trusted behavioral consultant, animal physio and veterinarian are located here. We are a close-knit team of experts on the breed in one location.
2. We need to be able to meet our fosters in person - check in on them regularly and their foster dogs and attend any health appointments for the foster dog, alongside the foster, if needed. It is far easier to be able to meet and communicate in person if required when fosters are located within our city or general area.
3. Provision of Equipment - With each foster dog, we provide the crates, bedding, pens, food etc. This is more costly (in shipping) and far less practical if we are freighting items to fosters in other locations.
4. Our veterinarian is located in Canterbury and does not charge for her consult time. We pay for the operations and medications but her time is donated free of charge. We do not get such a wonderful discount with any other vet (and we have consulted vets in the North Island prior).
It is much cheaper to fly a dog to Christchurch for surgery (even taking into account flight costs!) and almost double the price to have it completed up North.
5. Costs wise - it works out cheaper. We are a small rescue with limited funds so cost is always a factor. We are very fortunate to have many relationships with businesses here in Christchurch who keep our costs as low as possible. We do not have the same contacts up North.
6. We have trialed out a North Island foster programme prior. The results were not great and it simply added more stress to our team down here, trying to manage others in other locations.
NOTE: Applying to become a short-term foster / transporter for the trust creates an opportunity for those in other parts of New Zealand to assist us in helping these dogs in our care! The best thing for the dogs is always what we base our decision on and the best thing for them is to come to Christchurch and be medically / behaviorally assisted.
How Do I Apply to Be a Short Term Foster or Transporter for NZ Chihuahua Rescue?
1. Scroll to the bottom of this page and download the application form and print.
2. Please read the terms of the Agreement before completing the form to ensure you are aware of your obligations and our expectations.
3. Once considered, please complete and scan a copy to us via email to: contact@nzchihuahuarescue.co.nz and retain a copy for yourself.
If you cannot scan the document back to us by email, you may send the Agreement in photos (must be clear and legible) or post the form back to us (see our "contact us" section for PO Box details).
This must be completed prior to pick up/collection of the dog. If it is not returned prior to the same, you are deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement by performing the action of collecting the dog on behalf of the Trust.
1. Process: The dog(s)(s) will be transported (by vehicle or plane) to Christchurch and into the care of a Trustee or foster-carer, at a time to be advised to you by the Managing Trustee. No exceptions. This is the process and it will not be deviated from, regardless of whether any person ‘falls in love’ with the foster dog(s). The Trust has engaged you to collect the dog(s) and ensure the dog(s) is to be transported to Christchurch for its medical and behavioral assessments.
2. Ownership: Take care not to become overly attached to the foster dog(s). The dog(s) remains the sole property of The Trust, irrespective of the amount of time the dog(s) is with the short term foster carer / transporter and until such time as The Trust determines the permanent placement of the dog(s). You acknowledge that the Trust is the sole owner of the dog(s) and retains all ownership and rights to the dog(s). Short-term fostering the dog(s) or collecting the dog(s) on behalf of the Trust creates no legal or beneficial interest in the foster dog(s) for the short term foster carer / transporter. The foster cannot unilaterally decide to retain the foster dog(s). They must receive express approval from the Trustees confirming they are accepted to be the adopter of the dog(s).
3. Adoption of Dog: If you become interested in the foster dog(s), you will need to submit an application to the Trust for consideration. However, the dog will still be transported to Christchurch as planned. If any family members or friends are interested, please direct them to do the same. Do NOT pass on personal numbers of team members or “promise” the dog(s) to any person. The short term foster carer / transporter may suggest a permanent placement for the dog(s) (ie. Family member who has bonded with the dog(s). However, The Trust reserves the right to approve or decline said Applicant. If the short term foster carer / transporter believes they have a prospective Applicant, they must refer the Applicant to the trust and ensure the appropriate forms are completed. The dog(s) is not the property of the short term foster carer / transporter and as a result, cannot adopted or otherwise given to any other person without express authority from the Managing Trustee. Let the prospective Adopter know that any further correspondence is to be via the trust email: contact@nzchihuahaurescue.co.nz we do not deviate from that application process. No exceptions.
4. Safety: We ask that the dog(s)s are to be contained inside your premises. If outside of your house / car / vehicle, the dog(s)(s) is to be leashed or crated to ensure it cannot escape. When travelling in a vehicle, foster dog(s)s are to be restrained – either attached to the seat of a car or in a crate. They cannot be transported on the laps of people or unrestrained in any vehicle.
5. Foster dog(s)s are not to be left unsupervised or in close proximity to personal dog(s)s of the foster, small animals, cats, children or babies. Employ strict supervision. The Trust assumes no responsibility for any omission of the short term foster carer / transporter to follow this clause which results in damage to the same. The Trust assumes no liability for any harm caused medically to the pets of a foster as a result of their decision to foster.
6. Social Media: Do NOT post pictures of the foster dog(s) on any website or social media under any circumstances. We will announce their arrival into care once the dog(s) are in Christchurch. This is to be strictly adhered to.
7. Vet treatment and health: The trust is to be advised as soon as practicable if you notice any potential injury or illness relating to the foster dog(s) or they appear to be unwell. No homeopathic, herbal or natural medicines are to be given to the foster dog(s). This includes any “home remedies” that would normally be used on personal dog(s)s. In the event that veterinary care is required for the dog(s) the short term foster carer / transporter is to notify the Managing Trustee immediately. We may arrange a phone/video consult with the Trust’s vet in Christchurch.
8. Short term foster carer / transporters cannot re-assign their usual vet in the place of the trust vet. Do not take the foster dog(s) to your personal vet and/or spend your own funds on de-sexing, microchipping, vaccinations or other vet care expecting to be reimbursed without express authorisation from the Managing Trustee. The dogs will receive all vet care and testing once they arrive in Christchurch.
9. Grooming: Should the foster dog(s) require any grooming, please advise the Trustees and we will organise the same for them upon arrival to Christchurch.
10. Obligations: The Trust expects that all short term foster carer / transporters have registered dog(s)s and are appropriately licenced to care for the foster dog(s) and any permanent dog(s)s at their property. The Trust takes no responsibility for ensuring that the Short term foster carer / transporter carries the appropriate license for the dog(s)s at their property.
11. The Trust shall not be held financially or legally responsible for any damage or loss suffered by the short term foster carer / transporter to any property, person or vehicle, which has been caused by the dog(s), while in the short term foster carer / transporters care. It is expected that short term foster carer / transporters shall at all times ensure that the dog(s) is not involved in any destruction or deemed a nuisance.
12. Reimbursements: Should the short term foster carer / transporter wish to be reimbursed for any items purchased on behalf of their foster dog(s), they must contact the trust prior to the purchase to confirm the item and price, the trust will confirm whether or not they agree to reimburse. Once purchased the foster must submit a dated receipt. The Trust will decline to reimburse any expenses that have not been expressly agreed to by the Trustees. Any personal funds spent on the dog(s), while property of The Trust, does not constitute a right to ownership for the short term foster carer / transporter of the dog(s).
Please click the below link to find out how you can assist the dogs in our care.
Each donation received helps us to be able to continue our good work, and we appreciate your support! NZCR are a volunteer-run charity that survives off of donations and fundraising projects.
A "little" goes a long way!